Jennifer Lynn Lopez, J.LO, is an American actress and musician who began her career with films in the late 1980s. She quickly became one of the highest-paid Latina actresses in Hollywood. She would later find success in the music industry with a score of pop records.

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JVST was asked to pitch for Capital Records designing a responsive website and repositioning of The content was structured to give a personal look into Jennifer's life, work, dreams, and career.

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Jennifer Lopez photos in frames
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Each designer at JVST was responsible for putting together a few different creative concepts each. The goal was to present Capital Records with a wide gamut of ideas. Many ideas swirled around but one of the best ideas to come out of the concepts was to create a vault. Members of the Jennifer Lopez site would have access to more personal items of Jennifer Lopez's life and achievements. This includes Instagram, ticket sales, and special offers from her store. 

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JLO web design pages
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Jennifer Lopez web design pages 2
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Jennifer Lopez logo

Select Works

Asian Art Museum San FranciscoCampaign, Print Design, Web Design

JLOWeb Design

Blend Creative TeamArt Direction, Branding, Design, Photography

Pokédex 3D ProWeb Design

WargamingBranding, Illustration, Print, Web Design

Rónin TacticsE-commerce, Website Redesign

FieldCraft SurvivalArt Direction, Branding, Design, E-commerce

SkyfeederDesign, Illustration, Mobile Game Design

SKYCURSERLogo Design, Product Design, Web Design

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